The 52 Laws of Video: How to Make Videos People Will Want to Watch

$26.95 $17.96 NZD

There is a lot of BAD video in the world you do not want yours to be included in that category.

The 52 Laws contained in this book will transform the videos you make. They will become more interesting, more informative, better looking, better sounding, and ultimately be something people will enjoy watching.

Contains the PDF version and bonus EPUB version.

The 52 Laws are:

  1. The Eyes Have It
  2. Think in Shots
  3. Shot Size Simplified
  4. Shot Size Expanded
  5. Higher Powers
  6. Cutaway
  7. 11 Is a Lifetime
  8. Use Your Feet
  9. Plant Your Feet
  10. Back to the Light
  11. Sound Off
  12. Avoid The Jump
  13. All Aboard!
  14. Take Your Shot(list)
  15. Take a Hike!
  16. Don't Cross the Line
  17. Camera Movement
  18. Exposure
  19. ISO
  20. Aperture
  21. A Little Bit o' Blur
  22. It's OK to be Dense
  23. Normal Frame Rates
  24. Slow Motion Frame Rates
  25. Get the Balance Right
  26. Lens Focal Length
  27. Rule of Thirds
  28. Get Centered
  29. It's All Golden
  30. Lead Into It
  31. Follow Your Nose
  32. Frame within a Frame
  33. Background Patrol
  34. Frame Patrol
  35. Get Dirty
  36. Watch Your Weight
  37. The Pull of the Frame
  38. Don't Lose Your Head
  39. The Highs and the Lows
  40. Three-Point Lighting
  41. Get Negative
  42. Get Motivated
  43. Be Upstaged
  44. Aspect Ratios
  45. Movement Attention
  46. The Peak End Rule
  47. ABT
  48. Don't Forget the Ears
  49. Cuts Both Ways
  50. Join the B Team
  51. The 5,000 Years Rule
  52. I Fought the Law and…

By choosing to buy this book you will have made a choice to start making videos that people will actually watch.